Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Allergies/Medical Conditions
Important medical information that a caregiver should know, such as conditions, diet restrictions, allergies, or special considerations?
Student 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Allergies/Medical Conditions
Important medical information that a caregiver should know, such as conditions, diet restrictions, allergies, or special considerations?
Student 3 Name
First Name
Last Name
Allergies/Medical Conditions
Important medical information that a caregiver should know, such as conditions, diet restrictions, allergies, or special considerations?
Student 4 Name
First Name
Last Name
Allergies/Medical Conditions
Important medical information that a caregiver should know, such as conditions, diet restrictions, allergies, or special considerations?
First Name
Last Name
Primary Phone (Emergency)
Any additional information you would like us to know about the well being of your child(ren)?
Treatment Consent
By selecting this checkbox, I/we, the parent/guardians of said child(ren) give permission for my/our children to participate in Vacation Bible School program from June 26th to June 30th, 2023 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church of Schaumburg, Illinois. I/we understand that in the event medical intervention is needed, every attempt will be made to contact immediately the persons listed on this form and/or the registration form. In the event I/we cannot be reached in an emergency, I/we hereby give permission to the physician or dentist selected by the activity leader to hospitalize, to secure medical treatment and/or an injection, anesthesia, or surgery to my/our child(ren) as deemed necessary.
Insurance Consent
I/we understand that my/our insurance coverage for my child(ren) will be used as primary coverage in the event medical intervention is needed. Coverage by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church through its insurance policy is only a potential backup for what my/our family's insurance does not cover.
Liability Consent
I/we understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and its agents during the events and activities. I/we understand the possibility of risk. I/we agree not to hold Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, its leaders, employees and volunteer staff liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the child(ren) on this form.
Image Consent
I/we consent to the use of video images, photographs, audio recording, or any other visual or audio reproduction that may be taken of the child(ren) of this release during these programs to be used, distributed, or shown as Prince of Peace Lutheran Church sees fit.
True & complete
By checking this box, I/we attest as the parent and/or legal guardian of the above named child(ren), that the information provided on this form is true and complete.