Vacation Bible School Volunteer Form

June 26th - 30th from 9am to noon

Volunteer Job Descriptions

We are excited to be offering the Stellar VBS adventure this year. Many hands make light work! There are many opportunities listed below. Most of the positions do not require preparation.

Preschool Crew Leader

Needed M – F, 8:45 – noon. Participate in fun activities while shepherding a group of 5-7 preschool students. NO PREPARATION REQUIRED!!!

Elementary Crew Leader

Needed M – F, 8:45 – noon. Participate in fun activities while shepherding a group of 5-7 Kinder thru 4th grade students. NO PREPARATION REQUIRED!!!

Jr. Crew Leader

entering 6th –8th Graders can participate in all the fun activities while assisting Crew Leaders or Station Leaders. (If Jr Leaders would like to take home participant experiments and bible buddies, they can bring $5 cash on the first day of VBS week.)

Imagination Station Leader/Assistant

Guide participants as they dig into surprising and authentic discoveries!

Stellar Bible Adventures Leader/Assistant

Guide participants as they experience Bible Stories with all five of their senses!

KidVid Cinema Leader/Assistant

Guide participants as they watch videos about real kids living out their faith in cool ways!

All Star Games Leader/Assistant

Guide participants as they play high-energy games!

Galactic Snacks Leader/Assistant

Assist in preparation of snacks for all participants and in clean-up afterwards. May not be offered in 2022 depending on COVID statistics.

Nursery Volunteers

Care for the children of volunteers that are too young to participate in the regular VBS program (younger than preschool)